This year the Walk 4 Water will last all summer, concluding with our Walk 4 Water Week on September 10-17, 2023, when we will be giving away a FREE expedition to someone who raises over $500. You can donate to an existing fundraising group, make a general donation, or set up your own fundraising page. Gather your village from wherever you are to help us in changing lives. We have collected some tools to give you a head start, and fundraising ideas to use as a springboard. Join the Family Humanitarian Facebook page or follow us on Instagram for updates and inspiration.
Women and children in the developing world walk an average distance of 4 miles per day to collect water. Access to clean water is perhaps the single most powerful tool for sparking economic growth that humanity has ever known.
Nearly 1 in 10 people worldwide live without clean water. That is about twice the population of the United States. The majority live in isolated rural areas and spend hours every day walking to collect water for their family. Not only does walking for water keep children out of school or take up time that parents could be used to earn money, but the water often carries diseases that can make everyone sick. Clean water is essential to stop the spread of disease. Access to clean water means education, income, and health – especially for women and children. Clean water changes everything!
Have you considered that clean water saves people from human trafficking through prevention? When girls don’t have to walk long distances on dark and desolate roads, the threat of being kidnapped diminishes. When lives are improved, hope is restored, despair leaves, and families are no longer willing to sell their own children.
Diseases from dirty water kill more people every year than all forms of violence, including war.
In Africa alone, women spend 40 billion hours a year walking for water.
Clean water helps keep kids in school, especially girls. Less time collecting water means more time in class.
Could your village give the gift to another village? Every day millions of people around the world suffer from the lack of clean water. Imagine the impact your village (your friends, family, coworkers, or neighbors) could make on people’s lives. Your efforts make a real difference. Every dollar gets us one step closer to a world where everyone has access to clean, safe water.